today we have a trip organized by Cik Azlin (Kenegaraan's lecturer). All 70 TEYLians cohort 5 and 2 Canadian (Eric n Jenna) involved in this activity.
First, we gathered at Gelanggara while waiting for the buses. After everyone arrived, Cik Azlin gave some briefing about the activity together with some advices.She warned us to stay in a very good manner and always follow the rules as that place (War Museum) is a bit dangerous and "keras".then Nazirul @ aji recite the doa...
then we departed from institute with two buses. It was so exciting and a bit nervous when our drivers drove the buses as if they drive a F1 Ferrari car. After 5 minutes, the buses stopped in the sideway.Cik Azlin asked us to get down from the bus and enjoyed the view of Pulau Jerejak. While taking pocture, she mentioned that Pulau Jerejak had been a place for kusta's ward and prison.
then we arrived at War Museum.Having our brunch first before start to discover the life brief, full of history, challenging, exhausting, impressing and terrifying...i can see lot of "things" huhuhu
our trip ended around 12.40pm.went back to some refreshment and Zzzzzzzzz....around 5pm, Janu woke me up and asked me to get ready.went to BJ shopping mall...night market and lets call it a day....

it's ok...kamera phone ok what...
haha onney nak terasa la pulak...
ku rasa mcm diri ku pic tu...
betul x? la kot iera...gambar misteri tu
awat onney nk terasa plak...bleh challenge tak gambar haku huhuhu
hehe yes! betul!
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