For how many years i've been dreamt to be at Istana Budaya to watch PGL the Musical and this year, on Valentine's Night February 14,2009 my dream come true!!!!
I was so excited counting day by day for that night. i cat wait to watch with my own eyes Adlin, Tiara, AC Mizal n Stephen Rahman (betul ek?not good in memorize people's name) acting on the stage. although a bit nervous bcoz i have to spend 2 days and 2 nights with mirul n onney.
We went there by train...honestly...its a tiring journey!8 hours inside the train without anything to see (besides ghost hahaha).and i have to control my movement as onney sit beside me huhuhu...both mirul n onney could slept peacefully but i couldnt!what a night!
we arrived at KL Sentral the next morning. spent our morning by "lepak" at Mc D and went to KLCC after that. I was a bit suffered of leg pain while walked around KLCC but i dont care because i enjoyed it especially during our tour to Aquaria with Tashia, Eric, Tanya and Sharlene. We went back to KL Sentral around 5pm and preparing ourselves for the big night.
Arrive at Istana Budaya around 7pm, we were so excited and took so many picture as we could. After having our dinner, we entered the hall and.....well you know what happened after that..
I still feel lucky and cant forget each scene i've watched especially the scene when Adlin sing n reaction is "WOW!He can dance!"and he has so macho voice(kalah anuar zain wooo).so people out there, he is really qualified to be a critic..
around 12am, we went back to our "hotel" and the next morning we took train and penang...i'm home!
I wish that i can watch PGL again and again and again and again..for thosewho involve in this production..WELL DONE!such a fantastic and superb theatre! two thumbs up and 5 star for u all
I was so excited counting day by day for that night. i cat wait to watch with my own eyes Adlin, Tiara, AC Mizal n Stephen Rahman (betul ek?not good in memorize people's name) acting on the stage. although a bit nervous bcoz i have to spend 2 days and 2 nights with mirul n onney.
We went there by train...honestly...its a tiring journey!8 hours inside the train without anything to see (besides ghost hahaha).and i have to control my movement as onney sit beside me huhuhu...both mirul n onney could slept peacefully but i couldnt!what a night!
we arrived at KL Sentral the next morning. spent our morning by "lepak" at Mc D and went to KLCC after that. I was a bit suffered of leg pain while walked around KLCC but i dont care because i enjoyed it especially during our tour to Aquaria with Tashia, Eric, Tanya and Sharlene. We went back to KL Sentral around 5pm and preparing ourselves for the big night.
Arrive at Istana Budaya around 7pm, we were so excited and took so many picture as we could. After having our dinner, we entered the hall and.....well you know what happened after that..
I still feel lucky and cant forget each scene i've watched especially the scene when Adlin sing n reaction is "WOW!He can dance!"and he has so macho voice(kalah anuar zain wooo).so people out there, he is really qualified to be a critic..
around 12am, we went back to our "hotel" and the next morning we took train and penang...i'm home!
I wish that i can watch PGL again and again and again and again..for thosewho involve in this production..WELL DONE!such a fantastic and superb theatre! two thumbs up and 5 star for u all
with Radhi Khalid after the show
kre bgos per aku kt seblah...
at least aku x berdengkur...
alamak!!terlebey suda...hahaa...
hm...hang tdo xsdar dunia..aku buat mcmana pn part paling klakar masa aku kejut hang pasal alarm bunyi tu...hahaha...
Salam, Praise be to Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. What a great blog you have. It is very nice when every dream come true. I will always pray the best for my students. Be the best among the best but I know that you already become the greatest among the great. Keep it up Yanti...I am very proud of you...
thanks a lot ustaz.I always remember my existence here is because of every teacher's hard work.tanpa guru2,siapa la saya...
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