dalam kalut rebah berdiri
mencari damai kiranya abadi
tersusun tapak melangkah cemas
teraba-raba dalam gelap tapi terang
kita adalah kita
tak pernah puas dan suka
hati meronta jiwa memberotak
lapar dan dahaga tdk putus
mengikut nafsu yg semakin rakus
apa lagi yg kita mahu?
ketamakan yg tak sudah2
kedewasaan kononnya tp meratah kematangan
hilangkah sudah nilai kemanusiaan?
pemangsa kpd bangsa sendiri
melahap daging meratah jiwa
mereka yg lemah terus lemas
angkara keinginan menjadi tunjang perbuatan
keluarlah dr kepompong nan gelap
hentikanlah pencarian sia2 ini
jangan diteruskan langkah yg pincang
carilah terang yg pudar
kita pasti beroleh sinar.
kucing itu comel.bila kucing mengiau ada yang suka..ada yang benci.Buatlah macamana pun..bila kucing nak berbunyi..kucing tetap keluarkan suara gemersiknya yang kadang nyaring kadang merdu.terpulang pada anda untuk menilainya
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Aduh....aku tak tau kenapa sejak bbrp hari ni nk mkn kek secret recipe je...Actually lama dh nk mkn..tp tak berkesempatan...(plus besday kali ni tak dpt kek mcm slalu)...
Hm..bile la kakiku ini boleh menjejak secret recipe restaurant lg ek?NAK KEK!!!!!!!
my fav SR cake:
1.Banana Choc
2.Choc Indulgence
3.Mango Delight..
Memang BESH!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
sekadar mengisi kesunyian...
nun di sana
sang petualang mencari mangsa
angin menderu berbau darah
hanyir dan busuk
melilau matanya tajam menerpa
tampak ganas tapi kecut
bertopeng kuasa menutup takut
bergegak gempita penghuni semesta
bergulung awan tujuh petala langit
berpusar lautan seluas pandangan
tatkala si pahlawan membuka langkah kesatria
terhunus keris terpancar semangat
bergetar jiwa menghalang durjana
bertarunglah mereka
buah pukulan bertujah
bertubi jurus memukul ghaib
ilmu kepahlawanan tidak dipersia
buasnya sang petualang
tampannya si pahlawan
beradu mereka sehingga ke subuh
mempertahan pegangan sendiri
pertarungan itu tak pernah tamat
hingga satu ketika
bila yg benar berdiri
bila yg batil rebah
itulah penyudahnya...
sang petualang mencari mangsa
angin menderu berbau darah
hanyir dan busuk
melilau matanya tajam menerpa
tampak ganas tapi kecut
bertopeng kuasa menutup takut
bergegak gempita penghuni semesta
bergulung awan tujuh petala langit
berpusar lautan seluas pandangan
tatkala si pahlawan membuka langkah kesatria
terhunus keris terpancar semangat
bergetar jiwa menghalang durjana
bertarunglah mereka
buah pukulan bertujah
bertubi jurus memukul ghaib
ilmu kepahlawanan tidak dipersia
buasnya sang petualang
tampannya si pahlawan
beradu mereka sehingga ke subuh
mempertahan pegangan sendiri
pertarungan itu tak pernah tamat
hingga satu ketika
bila yg benar berdiri
bila yg batil rebah
itulah penyudahnya...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Semalam berita tergempar melanda bumi Sintok ni.UUM ditutup krn ada kes H1N1..Apa lg, mahasiswa/i pun happy la cz dpt cuti seminggu. Sampai jam 11mlm tggu bas nk balik kg.Tak kira changlun yg jammed lg..Xcukup dgn bas HBR n Mara Liner, UNIC bus pun buat charity hantar dak uum balik..Aku?Xkn nk balik Sabah kot...Kuarantin dlm kampus je la...NAsib...nasib...
Is it h1n1 swine flu or the regular flu?
The big question that seems to be on everyone’s mind is:
Do I have the swine flu or the regular flu? How can I tell? What are h1n1 symptoms?
The H1N1 Swine Flu can only really be confirmed with an actual lab test. And, there isn’t a 100% tell tale sign in the form that you have novel h1n1 influenza. It would be nice if your skin turned bright pink or you started oinking uncontrollably. If only we were that lucky.
It’s not close to 100%, but there is one sign that hints that an adult might have the swine flu.
Diarrhea and Vomiting.
Adults don’t normally have diarrhea with the flu. That is usually only common with kids.
Otherwise Swine Flu has the same symptoms as regular flu including:
Otherwise Swine Flu has the same symptoms as regular flu including:
2.Sore Throat
5.Respiratory Problems
6.Body Aches
Remember, having Diarrhea and Vomiting is only an indicator. You can still have the h1n1 swine flu without these symptoms. And that also holds true for the other way around. You still might just have the regular seasonal flu accompanied with diarrhea and vomiting.
Only a lab test will confirm h1n1 flu.
Also remember this doesn’t include children. It’s not uncommon for children to have the all the swine flu type symptoms with the regular flu. And with kids it’s better to be safe then sorry, so take them to the doctor.
As we get more research in. We’ll try to narrow this down more for you. If we find that there is a more obvious sign, we’ll post it here, ASAP!!
Make sure your friends are aware of http://www.h1n1-symptoms.org./
Take an early precaution ya!

Friday, July 24, 2009
Awak….nk dgr 1 cerita x?
Cerita bukan dr si penglipurlara
Bukan jua gurauan semata..
Hnya 1 kisah anak dan bapa…
Dengarkn ya…
Di satu malam…di hadapan televisyen
Si anak bertanya kpd bapanya
“Ayah…knp kita berperang?”
“Sbb kita nk bebas”
“bebas dr siapa,ayah?”
“Bebas dr cengkaman penjajah…”
Terangguk2 la si anak
Matanya cerlang, melihat hari muka…
Bila si anak meningkat remaja
Di tengah malam gemar berpesta
Berkatalah si bapa
“Anakku, bebaskanlah dirimu”
“ayah..kita bgsa merdeka,
Kebebasan manakah lg perlu dicari?”
Tika ayahnya beranjak tua
Menanti anaknya tak kunjung pulang
Berbekal kalam usang
Jemarinya menari tarian kata
“Anakku, sungguh kita negara merdeka
Sungguh kita aman sentosa
Sedarlah anakku..
Jgn kau biar mindamu terkunci
Jgn kau biar lakumu terjajah
Suatu hari kelak…kisah lama pasti berulang”.
Cerita ini terselit teladan
Diharap menjadi bekalan
Buat dirimu dan diriku yg selalu leka..
Awak…terima kasih ya…
Kerana sudi mmberi sedikit masa
Buat pacal yg hina bercerita.
--> sy lemah sikit nk bg tajuk sajak (kalau bleh dikira sajak la...).so kpd sesapa yg sudi memberi buah fikiran..apa kata anda sarankan tajuk apa yg sesuai...sy ingt nk deklamasi sjk ni 31 july nnti..any comment?
Awak….nk dgr 1 cerita x?
Cerita bukan dr si penglipurlara
Bukan jua gurauan semata..
Hnya 1 kisah anak dan bapa…
Dengarkn ya…
Di satu malam…di hadapan televisyen
Si anak bertanya kpd bapanya
“Ayah…knp kita berperang?”
“Sbb kita nk bebas”
“bebas dr siapa,ayah?”
“Bebas dr cengkaman penjajah…”
Terangguk2 la si anak
Matanya cerlang, melihat hari muka…
Bila si anak meningkat remaja
Di tengah malam gemar berpesta
Berkatalah si bapa
“Anakku, bebaskanlah dirimu”
“ayah..kita bgsa merdeka,
Kebebasan manakah lg perlu dicari?”
Tika ayahnya beranjak tua
Menanti anaknya tak kunjung pulang
Berbekal kalam usang
Jemarinya menari tarian kata
“Anakku, sungguh kita negara merdeka
Sungguh kita aman sentosa
Sedarlah anakku..
Jgn kau biar mindamu terkunci
Jgn kau biar lakumu terjajah
Suatu hari kelak…kisah lama pasti berulang”.
Cerita ini terselit teladan
Diharap menjadi bekalan
Buat dirimu dan diriku yg selalu leka..
Awak…terima kasih ya…
Kerana sudi mmberi sedikit masa
Buat pacal yg hina bercerita.
--> sy lemah sikit nk bg tajuk sajak (kalau bleh dikira sajak la...).so kpd sesapa yg sudi memberi buah fikiran..apa kata anda sarankan tajuk apa yg sesuai...sy ingt nk deklamasi sjk ni 31 july nnti..any comment?
Alhamdulillah...its done...finally...
After months in nightmare...buried in sweat and fear...i am so proud to announce...I have completed my R.O.S Report...those papers now waiting to be binded...To my fellow frens...GAMBATE!
ok...now...i would like to share stories about death...Dont be scared...i just want to share my thought...
Recently, i've watched a japanese movie entitled "1 Litre of Tears"...I know, many of u (especially my cohort 5 frens) have watched this movie. Sorry...i am the slowest one huhuhu...i didnt watched the whole movie actually...just some part from 2 episode..Kudos to my rumate -->ZieHa (hehehe) coz promoted this movie to me.Not forgotten my neighbour Shasha..
Have u ever think one day u'll lost ur ability to walk,to talk or to control all ur movement? U r one of a kind who active, cheerful, talkative, smart, etc...but without any sign u become weak day by day..u even cant go to toilet by urselves!Make it more worst if later ur doctor tells u that they cannot cure the disease.wat wud u feel?
To be frank...i personally will be drown by tears.What is the purpose of my life?how people going to treat me?does my family strong enough to face the truth?will my frens accept me?wat will i do?
I believe noone hav the gut to take this kind of challenge..yet, we shud remember..This is the power of God. All our limbs was lend by Him. With his will, we can lost it anytime. So fella...be grateful..Thank to our God..No matter u r Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Bahaian or any religion u r..Remember to the one who create u perfectly. Use all ur sense, limbs in a good way. If one day u r not able to use them..dont regret or become hopeless..Be strong..if u lost in this challenge, dont forget that ur strength will help someone else in their own journey...
My advice for those who always feel sad...hopeless...watch this movie...Its inspired me a lot and who knows u perhaps will be affected like me?
After months in nightmare...buried in sweat and fear...i am so proud to announce...I have completed my R.O.S Report...those papers now waiting to be binded...To my fellow frens...GAMBATE!
ok...now...i would like to share stories about death...Dont be scared...i just want to share my thought...
Recently, i've watched a japanese movie entitled "1 Litre of Tears"...I know, many of u (especially my cohort 5 frens) have watched this movie. Sorry...i am the slowest one huhuhu...i didnt watched the whole movie actually...just some part from 2 episode..Kudos to my rumate -->ZieHa (hehehe) coz promoted this movie to me.Not forgotten my neighbour Shasha..
Have u ever think one day u'll lost ur ability to walk,to talk or to control all ur movement? U r one of a kind who active, cheerful, talkative, smart, etc...but without any sign u become weak day by day..u even cant go to toilet by urselves!Make it more worst if later ur doctor tells u that they cannot cure the disease.wat wud u feel?
To be frank...i personally will be drown by tears.What is the purpose of my life?how people going to treat me?does my family strong enough to face the truth?will my frens accept me?wat will i do?
I believe noone hav the gut to take this kind of challenge..yet, we shud remember..This is the power of God. All our limbs was lend by Him. With his will, we can lost it anytime. So fella...be grateful..Thank to our God..No matter u r Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Bahaian or any religion u r..Remember to the one who create u perfectly. Use all ur sense, limbs in a good way. If one day u r not able to use them..dont regret or become hopeless..Be strong..if u lost in this challenge, dont forget that ur strength will help someone else in their own journey...
My advice for those who always feel sad...hopeless...watch this movie...Its inspired me a lot and who knows u perhaps will be affected like me?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sedar tak sedar...dh 21 tahun aku bernafas di bumi ini..rasa macam sekejap masa berlalu...betul kata org, kita xkn sedar yg hidup kita ini dimamah usia begitu aje...Apapun, aku bersyukur sebab masih diberi kesempatan menyambut hari kelahiranku yg ke 21 semalam...tanggal 17 Julai...
Tahun ni..xda kek coklat dr kawan2 macam selalu..xda juga hadiah yg banyak dr teman2...xda juga ucapan selamat hari lahir yg bertalu2...hanya dua tiga msg yg memasuki peti masuk henset serta fb n fs aku...ia adalah hari2 biasa yg aku lewati..ini adalah kehendakku...
Dlm kejauhan, aku ttp merindui insan2 tersayang...Mak,bapa, abg, adi,yayang, enoi dan seluruh ahli keluargaku.mmgla sudah bertahun aku menyambut hari lahir tanpa kehadiran mereka..tp entah kenapa kali ini hati begitu meronta2 ingin bertemu keluarga tercinta. menghirup semula udara kampung yg mengisi peparu sejak aku dilahirkan.memandang kawasan rumah tempat aku membesar...aku rindu..
Tp aku ttp beruntung ada insan yg sanggup meluangkan masa bersamaku di hari itu...walaupun selepas apa yg berlaku..terima kasih...terima kasih atas segalanya...
Semoga perjalanan hidup ini akan dipermudahkan dan dberi peluang untuk mencapai mimpi2ku..InsyaAllah....
Tahun ni..xda kek coklat dr kawan2 macam selalu..xda juga hadiah yg banyak dr teman2...xda juga ucapan selamat hari lahir yg bertalu2...hanya dua tiga msg yg memasuki peti masuk henset serta fb n fs aku...ia adalah hari2 biasa yg aku lewati..ini adalah kehendakku...
Dlm kejauhan, aku ttp merindui insan2 tersayang...Mak,bapa, abg, adi,yayang, enoi dan seluruh ahli keluargaku.mmgla sudah bertahun aku menyambut hari lahir tanpa kehadiran mereka..tp entah kenapa kali ini hati begitu meronta2 ingin bertemu keluarga tercinta. menghirup semula udara kampung yg mengisi peparu sejak aku dilahirkan.memandang kawasan rumah tempat aku membesar...aku rindu..
Tp aku ttp beruntung ada insan yg sanggup meluangkan masa bersamaku di hari itu...walaupun selepas apa yg berlaku..terima kasih...terima kasih atas segalanya...
Semoga perjalanan hidup ini akan dipermudahkan dan dberi peluang untuk mencapai mimpi2ku..InsyaAllah....
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I hate when people dunno the meaning of word PRIVACY..
No matter they are parents, sisters, brother, BoyFriend, or even friends...Privacy is very very very important in my life...
Privacy means do not disturb any of this:
1. my stuff (closet, books, anything on my desk)
2. My Room
3. Handphone
4. Email
5. When i want to b alone...
Respecting other means u respect their PRIVACY...not all in this world shud be shared, know...i respect others privacy..so i want others to do the same thing as well..Ignore it, fine...she or he will be on the top in my most annoying people...
For now, nobody in that list yet...Do not be the first!its a warning!
No matter they are parents, sisters, brother, BoyFriend, or even friends...Privacy is very very very important in my life...
Privacy means do not disturb any of this:
1. my stuff (closet, books, anything on my desk)
2. My Room
3. Handphone
4. Email
5. When i want to b alone...
Respecting other means u respect their PRIVACY...not all in this world shud be shared, know...i respect others privacy..so i want others to do the same thing as well..Ignore it, fine...she or he will be on the top in my most annoying people...
For now, nobody in that list yet...Do not be the first!its a warning!
Friday, July 10, 2009
library cat?
I know that i am a cat-maniac..so, i decided to buy a book about a cat name Dewey Readmore Books..For those who know this cat for so many years...i just know it a week ago...
I didnt know there was a famous library cat named Dewey in a small town Iowa..He just an alley cat but he did some magic to people there..He is gorgeous, handsome, cute and more than all..a very2 adorable cat..
I not finish reading the book yet because i know the end of the story. I search in the internet bout this cat..and i'm shy to admit that i cried..He had died 3 years ago and i just know him...
A cat never failed to play with my feeling...and i miss my cats at home now!!!!!!

Dewey Readmore Books...cute rite?
Monday, July 6, 2009
a story begins
campus life?oh man...
its almost 2 days i'm here,at uum...what i feel?hurm....dunno...too early to say if i like it or not.the environment...lifestyle...hectic..uh?hectic?yeah...kind of...class at 8 am but i get prepare at 6 ++ am...my..my...catch up bus...fortunately, hav frens here...yup, my cohort 5 team...together we r strong, together we r unbreakable!?
yet, i didnt manage to get all subject registered yet.still hav 1 subject left..actually, it can be done anytime but thinking of "others"...yeah..."Dont b selfish yantie!" crap!
not to mention...i hate when people cant be independant...responsible for their own...well..hello...its your life what...rather than telling sum1 else to do this and that...why dont u do it yourself?grow up,dude!
ok la..i lost my patience already and i dont want to get more "hot".just shut it...until when?dont ask...no idea...advice?any1?hello?argh!!!!!!!
its almost 2 days i'm here,at uum...what i feel?hurm....dunno...too early to say if i like it or not.the environment...lifestyle...hectic..uh?hectic?yeah...kind of...class at 8 am but i get prepare at 6 ++ am...my..my...catch up bus...fortunately, hav frens here...yup, my cohort 5 team...together we r strong, together we r unbreakable!?
yet, i didnt manage to get all subject registered yet.still hav 1 subject left..actually, it can be done anytime but thinking of "others"...yeah..."Dont b selfish yantie!" crap!
not to mention...i hate when people cant be independant...responsible for their own...well..hello...its your life what...rather than telling sum1 else to do this and that...why dont u do it yourself?grow up,dude!
ok la..i lost my patience already and i dont want to get more "hot".just shut it...until when?dont ask...no idea...advice?any1?hello?argh!!!!!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
start of something new
JULY...my new journey begins
1.first semester in UUM
2.a new roomate after 3 years with Nana..
3.new environment...green...green...far away from city life
4.more than all...I'm an Adult...another 14 days to go...huuhuhuuhu...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
1.first semester in UUM
2.a new roomate after 3 years with Nana..
3.new environment...green...green...far away from city life
4.more than all...I'm an Adult...another 14 days to go...huuhuhuuhu...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
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